Finished Competitions

Gentlemen's Club1. Assignment 1 - Role In The Club

Flux - Cycle 3
  1. Assignment 1 - Unique Runway <-- Fail
  2. Assignment 2 - Doll
  3. Assignment 3 - The Dark Side
  4. Assignment 4 - Childhood Games; Teddy Bear Picnic
  5. Assignment 5 - Bikini Time!

Clique - Cycle 2 - Dropped

  1. Assignment 1 - The Arrival
  2. Assignment 2 - Rush Week
Fashion Fever - Cycle 2 - Closed
  1. Assignment 1 - Close-Up Make-Up
  2. Assignment 2 - Runway
Fashionista - Cycle 2 - Dropped
  1. Assignment 1 - High Ended Warmer
  2. Assignment 2 - Bare Essentials
Exotica - Cycle 4 - Dropped
  1. Assignment 1 - 50's Glam
  2. Assignment 2 - A to Z [D is for Diner]
  3. Assignment 3 - St. Patty's Day
  4. Assignment 4 - Calender Girl - February
Pink - Cycle 1
  1. Assignment 8 - High Fashion Bride
  2. Assignment 9 - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
  3. Assignment 10 - Victoria's Angel
  4. Assignment 11 - Sloth Stereotype
  5. Assignment 12 - Make-Up Ad
  6. Assignment 13 - Pose Player - Yoga Pose <-- Favorite Modelling Picture So Far!
  7. See main page for finale pictures!
Hot Or Not - Cycle 1 - Eliminated
  1. Assignment 4 - Dance Fever
  2. Assignment 5 - Jungle Fever
  3. Assignment 6 - Glamour Goddess
  4. Assignment 7 - Love Poem
Sexy Model Competition - Cycle 2
  1. Assignment 4 - Secrets From Inside: *Hope* *Hatred*
  2. Assignment 5 - Triple The Shoes: *Pumps* *Boots*
SMC Finale - WINNER!
  1. Part 1 - Lingerie with a handsome man
  2. Part 2 - Simple Swimsuit
  3. Part 3 - Glamour Headshot
  4. Part 4 - Free - What SMC Means To Me
Battle Of Babes Issue 2 - Animal Print; Winner! **Find it in the issue!!**